Am I a Writer if I Don’t Have a Book?

True or False? The Best Writers Have the MOST Published Books

For a long time, I thought books were what writing was all about. That was my entire goal. I wanted to be one of those writers whose biography touted an ever growing list of new titles.

And, I am undeniably impressed when an author is introduced as having written 20, 50, or even 200+ books. That’s a respectable body of work!

But, now I understand, it’s not the only way to be a writer. For those writers who have lists like that, you’ll find that volume was never their goal. Excellence, faithfulness, obedience, and the craft motivated them to write well and continue writing.

Still, there are excellent writers with one book. Excellent writers with NO books, even.

Are the best writers the most prolific? Are the best writers those with many traditionally published books?

I believe we’ll find that there is room in God’s kingdom for every type of writer, including those who labor for years and produce only one book. Even those who never produce a book at all but still use their gift of writing for His glory.

Biblical Writers:

Consider those writers God chose to write the Bible.

  1. Some, like Moses, David, Isaiah, Luke, John, or Paul wrote prolifically.
  2. Others like Amos, Joel, Hosea, James, Jude, and Mark contributed one short volume each, but are they any less necessary to God’s Word?

Each writer did as they were called and each book is significant in the context of the greater work.

So it is with us.

We are writers of blogs, poems, sermons, devotions, articles, blurbs, how-to’s, tracts, TV shows, movies, songs, novels, Bible studies, skits, children’s books, Christian living books, and more.

Some will have great volumes of work read by thousands. Others will have no published material but their sermon, Christmas play, or Sunday school curriculum will bless their local congregation.

Even others will write encouraging notes to weary moms, cards to struggling teens, or letters to lonely prisoners and their words will do the work God intends.

Who are we to elevate one form of writing above another or to ignore those we deem less prestigious, hoarding our words for only that goal we imagine is best?

One Body with Many Parts

Just as the Body of Christ is one with many parts, each with a different function, so a writing ministry can take many forms.

I have traditionally published books and for that, I am glad.

But one single blog post I wrote was read over 2 million times, 1.5 million of those in a single week! It’s not likely I’ll ever have a book that reaches that many people with a vital message. There are other posts I’ve written that were shared many times on Facebook, some over 87,000 times! I didn’t see that coming when I wrote any of them.

Still, some of my best work may be notes of encouragement to other writers who then don’t give up and go on to bless the kingdom with powerful work! Or the prayers I posted daily to Facebook during the COVID lockdown that helped express what many were feeling and united hundreds of us in prayer.

Who knows? It’s not mine to determine. I am a servant of the King and pleasing Him is my goal, not racking up new volumes for my bio.

Focus on what fuels. 

Is your writing a work of faith? A labor of love? A steadfastness of hope?

Dear writer, your heart, your obedience, your perseverance and faithfulness matter more than form and number of words.

Write on in faith. If your current focus drains your energy and zeal for the work, it could be the wrong focus. Books aren’t the goal. Volume isn’t the goal. Using our gifts for His glory and to share His truth-now that’s the goal.

Focus on what fuels the work. Leave the rest to the one writing the greater story!

“We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers,  remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 1:3

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    The Conversation

  1. Sharmel O'Neill says:

    This was very timely and inspiring for me. I have no great works but I know that many of my friends keep my cards and letters tucked in their Bibles. To me, that’s the highest praise I could imagine. Thank you Lord!